How Many Blogs Should You Be Posting?

Learn How Often Your Business Should Be Posting New Blog Content 

When searching the internet and scrolling social media, you probably see businesses like yours posting frequent blog content. Maybe you’re even getting daily emails with new blogs you can’t help but click on. It’s no secret why companies invest in blogging. Blogs get their brand out there, increase their web traffic, and maintain a steady base of dedicated fans. Blogging can increase unique web traffic by over 50% and repeat web traffic by over 500%! That’s a lot of potential eyes on your business, either discovering you for the first time or keeping you in mind to use again and again. So, how often should your business be posting blogs? It is important to hone in on the best blogging frequency for your business and make sure to stick to a consistent blogging schedule. Let’s dive in and learn how many blogs your business should post this month. 

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Blogging Can Help Reach Your Website Goals  

First, you need to assess your website goals and create a blogging plan to help you reach them. Ask some important questions about your site and dig around the backend to find some answers. How old is your site, and does it already have some web authority? Does your website have a high bounce rate, indicating that content may be outdated or not engaging? Is your site brand new? Do you need to add some content to help it get discovered and build up your SEO score? Determine if you fall in the established or newbie category because this will change your blogging goals. 

Blogging for Established Websites 

If you have an established website that has been around for years, has multiple pages, and has a healthy blog going already, you may be able to get away with fewer weekly blog posts. This is because your website already has some established authority, creating a higher SEO score that gets you seen in search results. However, just because your website is old doesn’t mean it’s getting noticed. If your blogs are outdated, they could be contributing to a high bounce rate. Focus on creating a weekly schedule that involves posting new content and updating older posts to be more engaging and informative. 

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Blogging for New Websites 

If your website is brand new, then it probably needs some content! New websites start out with almost no web authority, meaning Google will likely not present you at the top of the search results until you prove yourself. One of the easiest ways to establish authority is to fill your site with informative blog posts on your business’s niche topics. This also helps establish trust with the real people who find your site. Show off your knowledge and give them resources before they even invest in your services. This will help build trust and lifelong supporters. Focus on creating as much new weekly content as possible while maintaining a consistent schedule. 

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Practice Consistency When You Blog

The most important thing to remember is to maintain posting consistency on your blog. No matter what your blogging frequency is, make sure to keep it going strong! The answer to how many blogs you can post a month may simply lie in the resources you have at hand. Some larger companies post blogs three times a day. Small companies with limited resources may have to settle with two blogs a month. Decide what you and your team can handle and how much content you can realistically post on a consistent schedule. One of the worst things you can do is start blogging every week and then stop. This will not only upset your avid readers, but it will also signal to Google that your website isn’t being updated and may not be relevant to web searchers.  

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Remember Blogs Need to Have Quality Over Quantity 

When blogging, it can be easy to get caught up in the number of weekly posts. While it is essential to create a consistent schedule with a set number of blogs every month, make sure not to sacrifice blog post quality. Poorly written blogs can result in unengaging content that will make your website visitors want to peace out, leading to a high bounce rate. High bounce rates indicate that viewers clicked on a page and almost immediately stopped reading and left. Bad blogs create a negative first impression, make for a bad user experience, and negatively affect your web ranking.  

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So, How Many Blogs Should You Be Posting? 

Ok, so how many blogs should you be posting each month? We all want to know that magic number. Well, there is no one size fits all solution. But that’s ok! Your business is unique, and so is your blog. While there is no magic number, there are studies that indicate a reasonable estimate of what your blog post frequency should be based on your goals. 

To maintain established brand awareness, some experts recommend posting blogs at least once a week. In comparison, new websites that need to grow organic traffic should post blogs as much as four times a week! However, some small businesses can be highly successful with one high quality, niche, and targeted blog posted once a month. 

In summary, your business should be posting blogs somewhere between once and twelve times per month, depending on your ability to produce quality content and the level of your pre-existing web authority. If you’re a business of one and can’t handle a daily blog schedule or if your company has a good web presence already and wants to maintain it, you will be on the lower end of the scale. If your website is brand new and you want to grow traffic and raise your Google score, your blogging needs are on the higher end of the spectrum.  


Are You Ready to Increase Your Blogging Frequency?

So, are you ready to start blogging? Creating and maintaining a consistent blogging frequency can feel like a daunting challenge. Blogging not only takes time, but it takes idea power. Even if you have the time, it may seem like a challenge to develop new ideas and topics every week. Remember, while you may be the expert in your field, your readers are not. Sometimes the most straightforward ideas can yield excellent results.    

Need help establishing or maintaining your blog? 

Let me write your blog for you and share your voice. 

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