Blogging Tips for Photographers

Start a Blog for Your Photography Business with These 5 Easy Photography Blog Ideas 

So, if you’re a professional photographer stumbling across this blog, you’ve probably heard that blogging can help your photography business get noticed online, which is true! Blogging is one of the keys to building a powerful website that gets seen on Google, which gets you more clients. However, you probably have also realized that you’re a visual person – not a writer. Well, I’m here to help you get inspired and feel more confident tackling that blog that keeps getting pushed further and further back on the to-do list. Let’s get started with why you need a blog for your photography business. Then, we’ll move on to important blogging tips photographers should keep in mind. Finally, I’ll help you jumpstart your photography blog with your first five ideas. 

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Why a Portfolio isn’t Enough to Market Your Photography Business 

  1. Images don’t make SEO juice. Google indexes websites by words, not pictures. So image-heavy sites, like photography websites, have a harder chance of getting pulled to the top of the search results.  

  2. Your portfolio is only the best images. This is great, but you probably don’t update it a lot. The more updates Google sees on your site, the more relevant it thinks you are. 

  3. Your portfolio probably isn’t formatted for easy sharing. Clients love to share their photos. A blog is an easy webpage to share, and you can devote entire posts to individual client shoots. 

  4. Your photos may be pretty, but do they showcase your personality and work style? Blogs help connect and give people a first impression of what it’s like to work with you.  

  5. Portfolios can become rigid. Make extra space on your site to show photos you take for fun, passion projects, or other areas of the art you’d like to explore. 

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Why Blogging Will Help Your Photography Business Book Clients 

  1. Blogs allow you to drop keywords, like your city, photography genre, and more. These keywords get you seen by people searching for your service. 

  2. Photography is a service-based industry that offers an experience as well as a final product. Show your clients how fun the shoot will be and reassure them that they’re booking the right photographer. 

  3. Use your blog to break into other sectors of the photography industry or highlight your niche. If you want more wedding clients, then make a few blogs about the industry as a whole, as well as wedding photo tips. Blogs can give you credibility as you work to build your portfolio.

  4. Blogs will make you rank higher than the competition. Websites with consistent long-form written content perform better in Google’s search results than websites with pictures alone.  

  5. Use blogs to drive conversions. After you share your tips, personality, or process, invite prospective clients to book a consultation with you. They’ll feel more at ease booking knowing they got a small window into your work style and personality. 

Since you know why a blog is essential and how it can help build your photography business, let’s dive into tips to get started! Writing can be intimidating, especially when your medium of expression is visual. Keep these tips in mind to approach each blog post with confidence.  

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Blogging Tips for Photographers That Other Writers Won’t Share

#1 Get Attention with Photos, Keep it with Words

Photos capture your audience’s attention, but words work to keep them on the page learning more. When writing your photography blog posts, remember to share your amazing photos and include enough text to keep people engaged. It is recommended to write at least 1,000 words per blog and break content into sections using headings, subheadings, and bullets. 

#2 Stay Local or Not 

As a photographer, your business is mostly local to where you live. Make sure to include the name of the cities that you work in within each blog post. The city name is a keyword that your potential audience is searching. For example, I may search for “wedding photographers in San Antonio.” If you’re writing about wedding photography but not including my city, you won’t come up in my results. If you’re looking to be a travel photographer, then include the names of cities you want to work in! 

#3 Get Personal 

Getting your photograph taken is a very personal and vulnerable moment for most of your potential clients. You need to make them feel comfortable and show a bit of your personality. Feel free to include personal details, fun anecdotes from photoshoots, as well as your other interests in the content of your posts. Create an emotional connection to make your clients feel like you’re an old friend before they even meet you. After all, we’d all like to work with our friends. 

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5 Easy Blog Post Ideas for Photographers 

1. Explain What Your Photography Sessions Look Like 

This topic may seem basic to you, but a first time client will want to know what a photography session looks like and involves before they show up. Explaining your process is a great way to make them feel comfortable and invite them to book with you. 

2. Showcase One of Your Passion Projects or Travel Photos 

While your portfolio may be limited to showcasing what you’re best known for, your blogs can be the spot on your website where you can have fun! Showcase your passion projects or travel photos. This will also provide relatable content to your audience and possibly get you noticed and picked up for new gigs outside your original niche. 

3. Give Photography Tips  

People love photography tips, especially in the age of Instagram selfies. Write blogs on what to wear, the best lighting, how to shoot, editing tricks, and how to pose. This also shows your potential clients that you know what you’re talking about and builds credibility. 

4. Highlight Photography Client Reviews 

Reviews are your best friend for generating new business, so why not highlight them? While you don’t want to create a list of reviews, you can write about individual shoots and anchor them with your client testimonials. Showcase your favorite photos from the day, behind the scenes shots, and what made the session fun and memorable. 

5. Create Location Shot Lists 

Location shot lists are a great way to build local SEO in your city. Create shot lists of the best locations for mural backgrounds, engagement photos, or just your favorite places. People search for this content all the time, making it SEO gold to get you discovered by people who already live in your city. 

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Are you ready to start your photography blog? 

Starting a photography blog can feel like a challenge. It requires creativity, patience, and consistency. As a photographer, you already have half the content done – the photos! If you find that you really hate writing or that it takes too much time, it may be worth it to outsource your blogs to a professional copywriter. Think of them as your other creative half. I’d love to help find the 1,000 words your pictures contain and build your digital web presence with SEO rich keywords. Let me know if you ever want to discuss ideas! 

Let me write your blog and share your voice. 

Contact Me

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